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OUR services

When we work with you virtually or in person for training, coaching, consulting, and strategy facilitation, it is done in concert with your existing business context. Core to what we do is to make everything relevant to you and to your organization.


Business Advisory & Executive Team Effectiveness


•   Lack of alignment on strategy/direction/focus

•   Unmet targets

•   A disengaged workforce

•   Loss of key talent

•   Lack of innovation and creativity

•   Silo mentality–lack of entrepreneurial

    enterprise thinking


Given the pace of today's work and the pressure to produce short term results, many executive teams endure poor team dynamics, gaps in thinking and collaboration skills, and chronic business challenges such as:

•   Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Consulting

•   Operational/Key Initiative Planning

•   Change Management & Culture Change

•   Organizational Planning & Capability Analysis




With consulting experience in over 100 companies, there isn’t a people-related organizational challenge that we haven’t encountered. From C-suite strategy sessions and large-scale cultural assimilation issues to teams in distress and leadership training, we’ve successfully mastered the art of navigating through complex people and organizational challenges.  


Services include:


•   Business Strategy Development

•   C-Suite/Board Facilitation Services

•   Mission, Vision, Values Alignment

•   Team Building & Problem-Solving



How do we work?  Mastery Squared provides a customized and accelerated process to integrate critical problem solving with team and individual development.

The result is your executive team working together effectively to solve problems and drive performance. Executives and teams learn best when skills are developed in the context of real work, working together on real and current challenging situations. Mastery Squared offers sophisticated, yet practical models and tools, immediately applied to your company’s current/critical business challenges.


“Mastery Squared has designed and facilitated more than a dozen high stakes strategy, direction setting and team building sessions in many parts of my organization over the last 8 years.  I count on them for their keen business sense, ability to build agreement and/or alignment in the most complex situations, and exceptional skill handling difficult interpersonal dynamics and conflict, and their ability to coach and provide skill building in the moment. They have an ability to “read the room” and adjust their approach on the spot that is truly masterful.”

–Vice President, Finance



Leadership Development & Training

Our programs are always customized to meet each client’s particular needs,

however, click here for an example:


"During the very intensive and exceptionally engaging 6-month program we were able to apply and practice much of the learnings in an environment that is similar to that of an MBA program. The connections I’ve made with peers across the organization through this program  are invaluable.  Facilitators bring so much heart to the program I can confidently say that those who participate in this program are changed!"

–Senior Director, Finance



This cohort-based development experience 

typically includes 15-20 days 

of learning events and

highly customized projects including:


•  Workshops

•  Business Simulations

•  Assessments and Executive Coaching

•  Business Imperative Teams

•  Reading, Application & Teaching  


•  Mentors

•  Internal and External Executive


•  Networking Events

Leaders today are experiencing a turbulent and uncertain business environment, unprecedented in the history of the world. Leadership has never been so complex. 
Our leadership programs unlock and accelerate powerful mental, emotional and relational capacities that support leaders in navigating this complexity and having greater impact in their organizations and industries. 


       Mastery Squared creates and
highly customized 
learning processes


      •  Business/Financial Acumen

      •  Strategic Thinking

      •  Collaboration Skills

      •  Executive Communication and

      •  Self-Awareness/Emotional Intelligence

      •  Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


The comprehensive Mastery Squared

curriculum combines a unique mix of

knowledge, skills, and attitudes drawn

from the disciplines of neuroscience,

positive psychology, emotional intelligence,

and mindfulness to form a well-rounded approach to leadership mastery. Topics covered include business acumen, leading diverse teams, collaboration, strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, and client focus. We use best-in-class simulations and models that can be delivered in person or virtually. Our content can be customized for supervisors to executives.


We believe that it is critical to integrate Mastery Squared consulting and learning solutions into your organization and culture and provide easy enterprise-wide access
to learning content.


        In order to achieve the organizational results you seek we propose:


•   Seamless integration with your strategic business imperatives

•   Visible and compelling involvement of your executives

•   Consulting and learning experiences customized to your particular culture

•   Multiple learning processes (events, webinars, coaching, assessments, business project teams, etc.)

•   Classroom and on-line delivery

•   Easy access to learning content for distribution throughout your organization

•   Clear integration with your overall talent management strategy

"This year, with these women 

and this amazing program has changed my life ... This has been an extraordinary experience. 
The skills, tools and coaching I have received have dramatically impacted the results I’ve been

able to achieve at my company
and I’ve been promoted twice in the last 18 months."


                              –Global President


Women in executive leadership roles face distinctive challenges. Imagine spending a year engaged with 20 other women who see and reflect your greatness back to you, demonstrate authentic care and empathy for your challenge and provide unconditional care and exceptionally skillful support on your journey. Mastery Squared consciously 

and skillfully crafts that environment and augments it with concepts, skills and tools to support women to discover and manifest the careers 

and lives that they desire. 

Connecting Women in Leadership

  Successful organizations provide development opportunities for women to leverage their unique strengths, grow their leadership skills, and build a robust network.

•   There is a positive correlation between the representation of women in leadership positions and business performance.  

•   Women leaders have differentiated capabilities and face some different organizational challenges than men.

Women in Leadership Offerings


There are 2 primary ways we work with women’s groups:




Humans yearn to be seen, connected, valued, and supported to make a difference in the world they live in. Mastery Squared coaches create robust yet gentle environments for leaders to explore their greatness and the wired patterns that get in the way of success. Root causes, solutions and action plans are identified in an environment of honest, trans-parent compassion and accountability.

The nature of our coaching engagements is varied. Sometimes they are linked with an organizational initiative or development program, while other engagements are stand alone. The scope ranges from focused engagements that are 3 sessions over 6-8 weeks to engagements that are monthly for 5+ years. Our consultants are certified in multiple assessment instruments and use them when they are useful for the engagement. 

“Working with a Mastery Squared coach over the last 4 years has supported 
me to grow 
from a manager of two to an executive leader of a 200+ organiza-tion. I’ve discovered and addressed limiting beliefs and behaviors that could have restricted my growth.  Her ability to hold me accountable with such kind-ness and compassion has bolstered and strengthened me immeasurably."

                  –Senior Associate Vice President

•   Neuro-pathway rewiring processes

•   Mind focusing and stabilizing techniques

•   Adequate time for disassembling old disruptive behavioral patterns and replacing them with new functional ones

•   A strong willingness to hold oneself accountable

•   A system for compassionate accountability

•   Honest self reflection and feedback

•   Tools that are easily understood and accessible

•   Supportive community in which all members are on the same journey

•   The identification of a clear goal with a non-negotiable insistence on making that goal central to your life for an extended period of time

•   Ongoing daily practice

We believe that enduring transformation requires more than just strong commitment. It takes a set of essential elements that are incorporated into our coaching services:



Executive Coaching

•  Women in the Workplace

•  Strategic Thinking, Collaboration, Negotiation

•  Diversity & Inclusion

•  Emotional Intelligence 

•  Leadership Archetypes
•  Leadership Brand

•  Networking and Sponsorship


•  Opportunities to network with, support and
learn from each other  


     Typical Program Length:  6-12 Months


In-House Programs

for Company Executives


(Focus: Career Transformation)

Workshop Purpose: To provide participants with practical concepts, tools, application exercises
and feedback in the areas of: 


•  Discover your true purpose and reconnect to your passions

•  Engage in honest, open and intentional conversations

•  Expand and create an exciting vision of what’s possible

•  Identify and alter self-talk that prohibits goal achievement

•  Liberate yourself from old patterns that hold you back

•  Create an action plan and achieve significant results

•  A system of compassionate accountability to support your transformation

•  Celebrate the success of others and yourself

Typical Program Length:  10-11  Months



Public Programs Limited to 10 Women


(Focus:  Personal  Transformation) 

Workshop Purpose: To gather self-awareness/transformation seeking executive women to co-create and flourish in a virtual space. 


Our goal is simple: to empower each other to be seen, soothed, celebrated and supported and in this process, we will discover and manifest our most heartfelt aspirations. The group support that is the crucial element of the process provides a space for you to:





(650) 520-4361

Building the capacity

to live and work consciously

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